miércoles , 19 febrero 2025

Lista de mas de 100 estudios sobre efectos adversos de la vacuna contra la hepatitis B

Estudios hasta el 2012 Academies of Sciences de EE.UU https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/13164/chapter/10#494

Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee. 1996. Hepatitis B vaccines—musculoskeletal reactions. Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin 15(2).

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Albitar, S., B. Bourgeon, R. Genin, M. Fen-Chong, P. N’Guyen, M. O. Serveaux, H. Atchia, and D. Schohn. 1997. Bilateral retrobulbar optic neuritis with hepatitis B vaccination. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 12(10):2169-2170.

Aletaha, D., T. Neogi, A. J. Silman, J. Funovits, D. T. Felson, C. O. Bingham, 3rd, N. S. Birnbaum, G. R. Burmester, V. P. Bykerk, M. D. Cohen, B. Combe, K. H. Costenbader, M. Dougados, P. Emery, G. Ferraccioli, J. M. Hazes, K. Hobbs, T. W. Huizinga, A. Kavanaugh, J. Kay, T. K. Kvien, T. Laing, P. Mease, H. A. Menard, L. W. Moreland, R. L. Naden, T. Pincus, J. S. Smolen, E. Stanislawska-Biernat, D. Symmons, P. P. Tak, K. S. Upchurch, J. Vencovsky, F. Wolfe, and G. Hawker. 2010. 2010 rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria: An American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism collaborative initiative. Arthritis and Rheumatism 62(9):2569-2581.

Allen, M. B., P. Cockwell, and R. L. Page. 1993. Pulmonary and cutaneous vasculitis following hepatitis B vaccination. Thorax 48(5):580-581.

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Ascherio, A., S. M. Zhang, M. A. Hernan, M. J. Olek, P. M. Coplan, K. Brodovicz, and A. M. Walker. 2001. Hepatitis B vaccination and the risk of multiple sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine 344(5):327-332.

Ball, R., M. M. Braun, G. T. Mootrey, S. Ellenberg, S. Rastogi, C. Krueger, R. Wise, M. Niu, D. Davis, F. Varricchio, P. Perucci, T. DuVernoy, R. Chen, P. Haber, V. Pool, W. Wattigney, T. Strine, R. Pless, V. Caserta, and G. Evans. 2001. Safety data on meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Clinical Infectious Diseases 32(9):1273-1280.

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Battaglia, A., and R. Valiani. 1992. Description of case of seizure following anti-hepatitis B immunization [in Italian]. Rassegna di Medicina Sperimentale 39(7-9):119-122.

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Bellut, A., E. Laveine, W. Kaise, I. Vivard-Wallee, J. L. Schmutz, and A. Barbaud. 2001. Cutaneous manifestations due to vaccines; Prospective study in Lorraine (France) [in French]. Nouvelles Dermatologiques 20(3):152-155.

Beretta, L., M. Caronni, M. Vanoli, and R. Scorza. 2001. Churg-Strauss vasculitis with brain involvement following hepatitis B vaccination. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 19(6):757.
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Biasi, D., A. Carletto, P. Caramaschi, A. Frigo, M. L. Pacor, D. Bezzi, and L. M. Bambara. 1994. Rheumatic manifestations following hepatitis B vaccination. Two case reports [in Italian]. Recenti Progressi in Medicina 85(9):438-440.

Biasi, D., G. De Sandre, L. M. Bambara, A. Carletto, P. Caramaschi, G. Zanoni, and G. Tridente. 1993. A new case of reactive arthritis after hepatitis B vaccination. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 11(2):215.

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Bohlke, K., R. L. Davis, S. M. Marcy, M. M. Braun, F. DeStefano, S. B. Black, J. P. Mullooly, and R. S. Thompson. 2003. Risk of anaphylaxis after vaccination of children and adolescents. Pediatrics 112(4):815-820.

Bourgeais, A. M., M. X. Dore, A. Croue, C. Leclech, and J. L. Verret. 2003. Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa following hepatitis B vaccination [in French]. Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie 130(2 Pt 1):205-207.

Bracci, M., and A. Zoppini. 1997. Polyarthritis associated with hepatitis B vaccination. British Journal of Rheumatology 36(2):300-301.

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Cabrera-Gomez, J. A., N. Echazabal-Santana, L. Garcia Gonzalez, A. M. Ramos Cedeno, M. O. Rodriguez Roque, O. Lopez Hernandez, J. A. Cabrera Nunez, J. Gonzalez De La Nuez, and L. Tellez. 2002. A severe episode in a patient with recurrent disseminated acute encephalitis due to vaccination against hepatitis B. For or against vaccination? [in Spanish]. Revista de Neurologia 34(4):358-363.

Cacoub, P., and B. Terrier. 2009. Hepatitis B-related autoimmune manifestations. Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America 35(1):125-137.

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Cathebras, P., O. Cartry, M. H. Lafage-Proust, A. Lauwers, S. Acquart, T. Thomas, and H. Rousset. 1996. Arthritis, hypercalcemia, and lytic bone lesions after hepatitis B vaccination. Journal of Rheumatology 23(3):558-560.

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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/13164.

Cherian, M. P., K. A. Al-Kanani, S. S. Al Qahtani, H. Yesurathinam, A. A. Mathew, V. S. Thomas, A. M. Mathew, and M. A. Abduljabbar. 2010. The rising incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus and the role of environmental factors—three decade experience in a primary care health center in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 23(7):685-695.

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Confavreux, C., S. Suissa, P. Saddier, V. Bourdes, and S. Vukusic. 2001. Vaccinations and the risk of relapse in multiple sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine 344(5):319-326.

Cooper, G. S., M. A. Dooley, E. L. Treadwell, E. W. St. Clair, and G. S. Gilkeson. 2002. Risk factors for development of systemic lupus erythematosus: Allergies, infections, and family history. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 55(10):982-989.

Coutinho, R. A., N. Lelie, P. Albrechtvanlent, E. E. Reerinkbrongers, L. Stoutjesdijk, P. Dees, J. Nivard, J. Huisman, and H. W. Reesink. 1983. Efficacy of a heat inactivated hepatitis B vaccine in male-homosexuals: Outcome of a placebo controlled double-blind trial. British Medical Journal 286(6374):1305-1308.

Creange, A., G. Temam, and J. P. Lefaucheur. 1999. Lumbosacral acute demyelinating polyneuropathy following hepatitis B vaccination. Autoimmunity 30(3):143-146.

de Carvalho, J. F., R. M. R. Pereira, and Y. Shoenfeld. 2008. Systemic polyarteritis nodosa following hepatitis B vaccination. European Journal of Internal Medicine 19(8):575-578.

de Carvalho, J. F., and Y. Shoenfeld. 2008. Status epilepticus and lymphocytic pneumonitis following hepatitis B vaccination. European Journal of Internal Medicine 19(5):383-385.

De Keyser, F., J. M. Naeyaert, P. Hindryckx, D. Elewaut, P. Verplancke, I. Peene, M. Praet, and E. Veys. 2000. Immune-mediated pathology following hepatitis B vaccination. Two cases of polyarteritis nodosa and one case of pityriasis rosea-like drug eruption. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 18(1):81-85.

Deisenhammer, F., P. Pohl, S. Bosch, and C. Schmidauer. 1994. Acute cerebellar ataxia after immunisation with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 89(6):462-463.

Delbrel, X., J. Fach, D. Neau, M. Le Bras, and M. Longy Boursier. 1998. Lupus flare-up after hepatitis B vaccination [in French]. Presse Medicale 27(6):260.

DeStefano, F., J. P. Mullooly, C. A. Okoro, R. T. Chen, S. M. Marcy, J. I. Ward, C. M. Vadheim, S. B. Black, H. R. Shinefield, R. L. Davis, and K. Bohlke. 2001. Childhood vaccinations, vaccination timing, and risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Pediatrics 108(6):E112.

DeStefano, F., T. Verstraeten, L. A. Jackson, C. A. Okoro, P. Benson, S. B. Black, H. R. Shinefield, J. P. Mullooly, W. Likosky, and R. T. Chen. 2003. Vaccinations and risk of central nervous system demyelinating diseases in adults. Archives of Neurology 60(4):504-509.

DeStefano, F., E. S. Weintraub, and R. T. Chen. 2005. Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis: A prospective study. Neurology 64(7):1317-1318.

DiMiceli, L., V. Pool, J. M. Kelso, S. V. Shadomy, and J. Iskander. 2006. Vaccination of yeast sensitive individuals: Review of safety data in the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Vaccine 24(6):703-707.

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Drucker, Y., R. A. Prayson, A. Bagg, and L. H. Calabrese. 1997. Lymphocytic vasculitis presenting as diffuse subcutaneous edema after hepatitis B virus vaccine. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 3(3):158-161.

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Elkayam, O., M. Yaron, and D. Caspi. 2002. Safety and efficacy of vaccination against hepatitis B in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 61(7):623-625.

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Fourrier, A., B. Begaud, A. Alperovitch, M. H. Verdier-Taillefer, E. Touze, N. Decker, and J. L. Imbs. 2001. Hepatitis B vaccine and first episodes of central nervous system demyelinating disorders: A comparison between reported and expected number of cases. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 51(5):489-490.

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