MBB Bajracharya (see AKT; Tillotson’s Nepalese Mentor)
MBC Martinez, Bernal, and Caceres (2000)
MIC Micmac Module of Duke’s online Medical Botany Syllabus
MLM McCaleb, Leigh, and Morien (2000)
MPB Mors, Rizzini, and Pereira (2000)
MPG Gupta (1995)
MPI Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) (1976, 1987)
NAD Nadkarni (1976)
NH Nature’s Herbs, personal communication, Grant or Rich
NR Nutrition Reviews (vol. 11, 1996)
NUT Duke (1989)
OMM Oriental Materia Medica (three volumes by Dr. Hsu and collaborators)
PAM Pizzorno and Murray (1985)
PC Phytochemistry (29, 1990)
PCF Huang, Ho, and Lee (1992)
PDR Physicians’ Desk Reference (Ed. 45, 1991)
PED Pedersen (1998)
PEP Pakistan Encyclopedia Planta Medica (1986)
PH2 Gruenwald et al. (2000)
PHM Phytomedicine (vol. 3, 1996)
PHR PDR for Herbal Medicine, 1st ed., Fleming, et al. (1998)
PIP Schilcher (1997)
PJB Protocol Journal of Botanical Medicine, (vol. 1, no. 1, 1995; since terminated)
PM Planta Medica (56, 1990)
PNC Williamson and Evans (1989)
PR Phytotherapy Research (vol. 4, 1990)
PS Plant Science (Ireland) (vol. 75, 1991)
QRNM Quarterly Review of Natural Medicine
RAT Robbers and Tyler (1999)
RFW Weiss (1988)
RIN Rinzler (1990)
RYM Roig y Mesa (1928)
SAB Sabinsa (1998)
SAR Schultes and Raffauf (1990)
SBS María Treben (1999)
SHB Buhner (2000)
SF Foster (1996)
SF2 Foster (1998)
SHT Schulz, Hansel, and Tyler (1998)
SKJ Jain (1991)
SKY Lininger et al. (1998)
SN Science News (followed by number and page)
SPI Charalambous (1994)
SUW Suwal (1976)
SYN Challem, Berkson, and Smith (2000)
TAD Tucker and Debaggio (2000)
TAN Tanaka (1976)
TGP Duke (1997)
TIB Kletter and Kriechbaum (2001)
TMA Time-Life (1996)
TOM Crellin and Philpott (1990)
TOX Keeler and Tu (1991)
TRA Germosén-Robineau (1997)
UPW Burkill (1985–2000)
USA USDA’s Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae
USD USDA’s nomenclature database
VAG Van Wyk and Gericke (2000)
VVG Van Wyk, Van Oudtshoorn, and Gerike (1997)
WAF White et al. (2000)
WAG Wright and Gaby (1999)
WAM White and Mavor (1998)
WBB Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962)
WER Werbach (1993)
WHO World Health Organization (1999)
WIC Wichtl (1984)
WOI Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (1948–1976)
WO2 The Wealth of India, revised; three new volumes published (1985–1992)
WO3 The Wealth of India, first supplement series (2000)
X As a prefix followed by a big number, a PubMed reference citation (e.g., X123456)
YAN Yanovsky (1936)
ZIM Gelfand et al. (1985)
ZUL Hutchings et al. (1996)
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